Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Year of Gratitude - Day One Hundred Four

Day 104 - The Flow
I like the flexibility of vacation.  It doesn’t matter if things don’t work out as you have them on the schedule.  You just go with the flow.  I ended up arriving in the city a little later than intended, so brunch plans became lunch plans.  No matter.  
I got to visit with my friend and former co-worker, Troy, and met his boyfriend Matteo for the first time.  Troy was right - Matteo is a beautiful man - and I can see why he would be attracted to him.  Inside and out, Matteo fairly glows.  He is a visibly passionate person - something one would expect from an Italian - and I enjoyed getting to know him a bit.  I hope we have more opportunities in the future.
They took me to a popular restaurant called Chow just south of Market on Church Street.  The food was great, the service decent, and the conversation lively.  I really enjoyed the time with them.
I then spent the early afternoon in the Castro, wandering around, visiting stores I have known over the years, and observing all the people who are already dressed and ready for tomorrow’s street fair.  I probably walked more than I should have, knowing I’d be walking even more tomorrow, and that my joints would likely complain, but oh well... I love this town and want to experience as much as I can.
I then joined James and Aaron for a pizza party that was put together for those of us visiting town that weekend.  Our host, Jon, has a beautiful home in the city - a townhouse full of glass art (as well as metal sculpture and other pieces).  He gave me a tour of the place, showing me most of the glass pieces he has acquired from an artist in Berkeley, as well as a couple he has made himself.  It was a great evening with some very nice men, and I was delighted to have had this time expanding my circles of friends.
At the end of the day, it was nice to be able to remain flexible - no commitments or constraints that were set in stone - and I am grateful the lack of stress in going with the flow.   (I wonder if I can take this attitude more when I’m back in my regular routine at home....)

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