Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Year of Gratitude - Day Two Hundred Thirty-seven

Day 237 - Artistic Progress
A couple years ago, I told someone I thought was a good friend that I wanted to be a glass artist.  It seemed something of a stretch at the time - I had no experience with glass to speak of, and I am not nearly as creative as some of the people whose work I have seen, but I meant it.  Later, when we had a falling out and he called me a coward, I had little confidence in my abilities.  As I learned how much coordination, skill, and originality goes into glass work, I decided to make this my hobby, not my career.
After a time at the torch today, I felt perhaps, if we were still in touch, I might surprise him with my glass work.  Sure, I’m no where near what I would consider “skilled.”  I am, for the moment, a one trick pony when it comes to lampwork and implosions.  Still, I think he would be surprised.
I left the studio feeling as if I had accomplished something good.  I like that feeling.  It lasted most of the evening.

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